Student Club & Organization Event Management Overview


One of the most exciting aspects of being part of a student club or organization is creating events and activities for your club or organization or the campus community. Events and programming support and enhance RIT's mission and goals by expanding student engagement, increasing RIT spirit, and fostering a sense of campus community. The Center for Campus Life is here to assist and support student club and organization leaders in hosting safe and successful student events.

Student organization events are managed using the RIT Events system. The Center for Campus Life, in collaboration with numerous RIT departments, reviews and approves all student organization events and programs.

Definition of an "Event"

A student club or organization event is any program or function planned, sponsored, co-sponsored in the name of, under the auspices of, or for the sake of, the recognized student club or organization. Any gathering of its members acting together may be considered a student club or organization event. Please see the Event Policies & Procedures section (link to this) for more information on the responsibilities for hosting events and activities.

A student club or organization event is one which utilizes any RIT resources. Resources can be defined as time, space, financial, technology, communications, or services. All student club and organization events must be registered through the RIT Student Clubs & Organizations event management process in EMS ( This includes all events on and off campus.

Event Access

Access to the RIT Events system is restricted to designated officers of a recognized student club or organizations. To update your organization's officer access, please complete the RIT Events Student Organization Request Form.  All students that have access to the RIT Events system on behalf of their student club or organization must complete the EMS Certification. To request access to this certification email Any club member that was listed in their club or organization re-recognition process annually will be automatically added to the EMS Certification course. More information on this process can be found here.

If you are a newly recognized Student Affairs student organization, you will receive access as part of the Club Recognition Process.  If you are a recognized student club or organization outside of Student Affairs but have not had access to EMS in the past, please email to inquire about gaining access to the events system.

Please note that this document and its rules/regulations/policies are subject to change at the discretion of Rochester Institute of Technology and/or Student Event Teams at any time.
All major changes will be communicated in writing to student organization.

    Commonly Used Student Event Policies & Resources

    RIT Service Providers

    RIT Traditions

    Campus Life & University Major Events

    Find information on RIT's big events here!

    Questions, comments, or concerns? Contact us below


    Campus Life: Events

    1 Lomb Memorial Dr
    Rochester, NY, 14623
    United States