EMS Certification

What is the EMS Certification?

EMS Certification is a training opportunity for Student Affairs-recognized clubs and organizations to improve their understanding of Event Management Services (EMS). After this training, students acquire valuable insights into the event reservation system and are able to successfully make reservation on reserve.rit.edu

Each organization can have up to 5 members with access to request reservations on EMS (reserve.rit.edu). Each student must obtain a score of 80 or higher in order to receive EMS user access.

  • Accessing EMS Certification

    In order to gain EMS access, you must first be enrolled into the MyCourses training. Please email studentevents@rit.edu with the names and rit emails of the individuals in your club you would like to gain EMS access. The MyCourses training is a step-by-step training on how to create a reservation and it includes numerous important details in regards to specific event types. Once enrolled in the course by the staff, you will receive an email indicating you have been enrolled. If you do not receive an email, the course can be searched once enrolled by utilizing the advanced search function on MyCourses. Simply search "Event Management Services Certification"

  • Next Steps

    Once you are enrolled and complete the MyCourses quiz, take a screen capture of your score to indicate to us that you have passed the course! This screen capture will be needed for the CampusGroups form that needs to be submitted upon completion of the quiz

    Once the CampusGroups form is approved, you should see EMS Access within 48-72 hours. You will not immediately receive EMS Access once the form is approved, it will take time. Please keep this in mind when changing who has access to EMS as it pertains to event planning!

  • FAQ's

    1. What is the EMS certification for?

    a. The EMS certification is for ensuring that students are familiar with using EMS (Event Management System) for student organization reservations and event planning.

    2. Who needs to complete it?

    a. All students who currently or students who wish to have EMS access for their student club/organization

    3. When is the deadline?

    a. The training will be active and open during the semester so organizations can have new students gain access

    4. Who do I email to get access to the MyCourses training?

    a. Email studentevents@rit.edu the names and emails of the members of your club

    5. What needs to be completed in order to gain EMS access?

    a. You must get enrolled into the MyCourses training, complete the CampusGroups form, and wait up to 48-72 hours in order to be added into the system

    6. Do I need to renew it each year?

    a. The certification will need to be completed annually for EMS users regardless of the club/organization

    For any further questions, please email studentevents@rit.edu