Expansion Application
Applications are currently closed. Please check back at another date to check which councils will be open to accepting applications.
Applications are currently closed. Please check back at another date to check which councils will be open to accepting applications.
The purpose of this process is to determine, insofar as possible, that the requesting group actually gives promise of becoming successfully established and of contributing in worthwhile ways to the life of the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) fraternity and sorority community .
In order to ensure a fair and equitable process, any organizations wishing to join the RIT Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) or the RIT Interfraternity Council (IFC) must adhere to the process outlined below. For information related to College Panhellenic Council (CPC) Extension, please see the NPC Manual of Information (located under the Documents Tab). This process will be overseen by the Fraternity/Sorority Management Committee (FSMC).
RIT prefers the following expansion procedures (in preference order):
1. Student Interest Group Colonization: A group of enrolled students at RIT may choose to form an interest group that is affiliated with a national or international organization.
2. Open Invitation to Colonize: In the event the governing council wishes to seek expansion opportunities, a formal invitation shall be sent to the appropriate trade organizations requesting interested groups submit the application for expansion. The Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life shall contact organizations affiliated with that particular trade organization.
3. National or International Fraternity or Sorority Colonization: If a national or international fraternity or sorority wishes to expand to RIT, they may indicate interest by submitting the application for expansion.
**Interest Groups, regardless of potential council affiliation, require a minimum of 10 RIT students (full-time or co-op, active undergraduate members) to be considered for expansion**
The University will not recognize any organization not affiliated with a national or international fraternity or sorority. Exceptions to this policy are not made. RIT defines an inter/national fraternity or sorority with the following criteria:
1. Have at least 5 active chapters with at least 10 members per chapter in two states,
2. Have a national governing body composed of alumni members who are elected/appointed/hired as officers to supervise the affairs of the organization, and
3. Host a national convention on an annual/biannual basis to conduct fraternity/sorority business
4. If the application process proceeds to a selection, RIT will show preference to organizations affiliated with one of the following trade associations:
a. North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC)
b. The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)
c. The National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations (NALFO)
d. The National Asian Pacific Islander American Panhellenic Association (NAPA)
e. The National Multicultural Greek Council (NMGC)