RIT Greek Awards

Fraternity and Sorority Life at the Rochester Institute of Technology holds its annual RIT Greek Awards Ceremony to recognizes the achievements of the RIT Greek community, its chapters and members as they continue to uphold the values and goals of Fraternity & Sorority Life; Leadership, Service, Scholarship, Community & Alumni Connections. Chapters within the College Panhellenic Council (CPC), the Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) & the Interfraternity Council (IFC) are all eligible to apply for and be chosen as the award recipients.

These awards are based on a chapter's activity throughout the calendar year and are of the highest honor an organization on campus can receive within Fraternity & Sorority Life.


Greek Award Recipients

  • Greek Awards 2023

    Presidents Cup - Sigma Chi

    Presidents Cup 1st Runner Up - Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

    Presidents Cup 2nd Runner Up - Theta Chi

    RIT Greek Person of the Year (Fraternity)  - Joshua Schwartz, Phi Kappa Psi

    RIT Greek Person of the Year (Sorority) - Hannah Hostetler, Delta Phi Epsilon

    Emerging Leader - Kaelyn Beeman, Sigma Sigma Sigma

    Chapter Leader of the Year (Fraternity) - Jay'llen Hathman, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

    Chapter Leader of the Year (Sorority) - Samantha Mossmann, Alpha Sigma Alpha

    Distinguished Advisor - Rachel Maass, Alpha Sigma Alpha

    Outstanding Alumni Relations - Alpha Sigma Alpha

    Lasting Legacy Award - Zeta Tau Alpha

    Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Award - Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority, Inc.

    Collaborative Excellence Award - Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity, Inc.

    Outstanding Academic Programming Award - Theta Chi

    Community Impact Award - Alpha Xi Delta

    Philanthropic Excellence - Alpha Xi Delta

    Evolutionary Award - Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

  • Greek Awards 2022

    Presidents Cup - La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc.

    Presidents Cup 1st Runner Up - Pi Kappa Phi

    Presidents Cup 2nd Runner Up - alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc.

    RIT Greek Person of the Year (Fraternity)  - John Serafim, Pi Kappa Phi

    RIT Greek Person of the Year (Sorority) - Bridget DeHond, Alpha Sigma Alpha

    Emerging Leader (Fraternity) - Jay'llen Hathman, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

    Emerging Leader (Sorority) - Lydia Keffer, Alpha Sigma Alpha

    Chapter Leader of the Year (Fraternity) - Michael Lambrecht, Sigma Chi

    Chapter Leader of the Year (Sorority) - May Wu, Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority, Inc.

    Distinguished Advisor - Anthony Farrar, Sigma Chi

    Outstanding Alumni Relations - Theta Chi

    Lasting Legacy Award - Pi Kappa Phi

    Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Award - Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

    Collaborative Excellence Award - alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc.

    Outstanding Academic Programming Award - Theta Chi

    Community Impact Award - La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc.

    Evolutionary Award - alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc.

  • Greek Awards 2021

    Presidents Cup - alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc.

    Presidents Cup 1st Runner Up - Lambda Alpha Upsilon Fraternity, Inc.

    Presidents Cup 2nd Runner Up - Sigma Alpha Mu

    RIT Greek Person of the Year  - Kimberly Mac, Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority, Inc.

    Emerging Leader - Bailey Albro, Alpha Sigma Alpha

    Chapter Leader of the Year - Christin Aguilar, Latino America Unida, Lambda Alpha Upsilon Fraternity, Inc.

    Distinguished Advisor - Nancy Nasca, Sigma Chi

    Outstanding Alumni Relations - Phi Delta Theta

    Lasting Legacy Award - Phi Kappa Psi

    Philanthropic Excellence Award - Sigma Chi

    Collaborative Excellence Award - La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc.

    Community Impact Award - Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

    ** The following were voided from this year's ceremony: Outstanding Academic Programming Award, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Award and the Evolutionary Award**

  • Greek Awards 2020

    Presidents Cup - Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority Inc.

    Presidents Cup 1st Runner Up - La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity Inc.

    Presidents Cup 2nd Runner Up - Zeta Tau Alpha

    RIT Greek Person of the Year (Sorority) - Alexis McNeill, Alpha Sigma Alpha

    RIT Greek Person of the Year (Fraternity) - Killiaun Blatche, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.

    Emerging Leader (Sorority) - Bridget Dehond, Alpha Sigma Alpha

    Emerging Leader (Fraternity) - Jordan Whiteside-Johnson, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc.

    Chapter Leader of the Year - Fateemah Saleem, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc.

    Distinguished Advisor - Jeannette Vargas, Latino America Unida, Lambda Alpha Upsilon Fraternity Inc.

    Outstanding Alumni Relations - Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity Inc.

    Lasting Legacy Award - La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity Inc.

    Philanthropic Excellence Award - Phi Kappa Psi

    Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Award - Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.

    Collaborative Excellence Award - Latino America Unida, Lambda Alpha Upsilon Fraternity Inc.

    Outstanding Academic Programming - Alpha Sigma Alpha

    Evolutionary Award - alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority Inc.

  • Greek Awards 2019

    Presidents Cup - Sigma Alpha Mu

    Presidents Cup 1st Runner Up - La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc.

    Presidents Cup 2nd Runner Up - Phi Kappa Psi

    Greek Woman of the Year - Margaret Leone, Alpha Xi Delta

    Greek Man of the Year - Grant Franko, Sigma Chi

    New Member of the Year - Max Fusco, Sigma Alpha Mu

    CPC Executive Board Member of the Year - Melissa Rideout, Zeta Tau Alpha

    MGC Executive Board Member of the Year - Elizabeth Lawrence, Sigma Lambda Upsilon/Señoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority, Inc.

    IFC Executive Board Member of the Year - Ryan Devoe, Sigma Chi

    Advisor of the Year - Sarah Midden, Sigma Sigma Sigma

    Highest Chapter GPA Spring '19 and Fall '19 - Alpha Sigma Alpha

    Outstanding Alumni Relations - Phi Kappa Psi

    Outstanding Community Service - La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc.

    Outstanding Academic Support - Tau Kappa Epsilon

    Outstanding Chapter Programming - Corazones Unidos Siempre, Chi Upsilon Sigma National Latin Sorority, Inc.

  • Greek Awards 2018

    Presidents Cup - Pi Kappa Phi

    Presidents Cup 1st Runner Up - Delta Phi Epsilon

    Presidents Cup 2nd Runner Up - Sigma Nu

    Greek Woman of the Year - Clarice Edwards, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.

    Greek Man of the Year - Daniel Ruano, La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc.

    New Member of the Year - Maria Tovar, Sigma Lambda Upsilon/Señoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority Inc.

    CPC Executive Board Member of the Year - Dania Aceves, Delta Phi Epsilon

    CPC Delegate of the Year - Sophia Pizzola, Alpha Xi Delta

    MGC Executive Board Member of the Year - Katerin Salgado, Omega Phi Beta Sorority Inc.

    MGC Delegate of the Year - Lauren Harcum, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc.

    IFC Executive Board Member of the Year - Sohom Sen, Kappa Delta Rho

    IFC Delegate of the Year - Max Italiander, Phi Delta Theta

    Advisor of the Year - Kurt Ingerick, Pi Kappa Phi

    Highest New Member Class GPA Spring '18 - Alpha Xi Delta

    Highest New Member Class GPA Fall '18 - Alpha Sigma Alpha

    Highest Chapter GPA Spring '18 - Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority Inc.

    Highest Chapter GPA Fall '18 - Alpha Sigma Alpha

    Outstanding Alumni Relations - Tau Kappa Epsilon

    Outstanding Community Service - Phi Kappa Psi

    Outstanding Academic Support - Tau Kappa Epsilon

    Outstanding Chapter Programming - Phi Kappa Psi

  • President's Cup Winner 1985 - 2017

    Presidents Cup 2017 - Pi Kappa Phi

    Presidents Cup 2016 - Pi Kappa Phi

    Presidents Cup 2015 - Phi Kappa Psi

    Presidents Cup 2014 - Delta Phi Epsilon

    Presidents Cup 2013 - Delta Phi Epsilon

    Presidents Cup 2012 - Alpha Sigma Alpha

    Presidents Cup 2011 - Phi Kappa Psi

    Presidents Cup 2010 - Zeta Tau Alpha

    Presidents Cup 2009 - Phi Kappa Psi

    Presidents Cup 2008 - Zeta Tau Alpha

    Presidents Cup 2007 - Alpha Sigma Alpha

    Presidents Cup 2006 - Latino America Unida, Lambda Alpha Upsilon Fraternity Inc.

    Presidents Cup 2005 - Tau Kappa Epsilon

    Presidents Cup 2004 - Tau Kappa Epsilon

    Presidents Cup 2003 - Delta Phi Epsilon

    Presidents Cup 2002 - Alpha Xi Delta

    Presidents Cup 2001 - Alpha Xi Delta

    Presidents Cup 2000 - Delta Phi Epsilon

    Presidents Cup 1999 - Phi Kappa Psi

    Presidents Cup 1998 - Phi Kappa Psi

    Presidents Cup 1997 - Alpha Xi Delta

    Presidents Cup 1996 - Alpha Xi Delta

    Presidents Cup 1995 - Phi Kappa Psi

    Presidents Cup 1994 - Phi Kappa Psi

    Presidents Cup 1993 - Alpha Sigma Alpha

    Presidents Cup 1992 - Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.

    Presidents Cup 1991 - Kappa Delta Rho

    Presidents Cup 1990 - Alpha Sigma Alpha

    Presidents Cup 1989 - Phi Kappa Tau

    Presidents Cup 1988 - Phi Delta Theta

    Presidents Cup 1987 - Triangle

    Presidents Cup 1986 - Phi Sigma Kappa

    Presidents Cup 1985 - Phi Sigma Kappa

Greek Award Descriptions

Click the link above to review the descriptions for each of our Greek awards.