The Greek community is dedicated to building future societal leaders by providing a wealth of leadership opportunities for Greek members. From social issues to academic, business to philanthropy, the leaders of today are gaining their leadership edge from their fraternity and sorority experiences.
Membership in a fraternal or sororal organization is one of the most outstanding means of discovering and refining your leadership potential. Within each chapter, members have the chance to assume a wide spectrum of leadership roles. These roles may range from serving as rush chair to treasurer, social chair to president. Within each fraternity exists anywhere from five to twenty different leadership positions, all requiring different degrees of skills and investments. Opportunities to learn and practice leadership stretch beyond chapters.
There are many system-wide leadership roles open on the IFC, CPC, and MGC. Beyond the Greek community, fraternity men and sorority women are involved in many other organizations on campus. Some of these include Student Government, athletic teams, and many student clubs.
Philanthropy projects are events in which the Greek communities as a whole, or as individual chapters, donate their time and efforts to raise funds to benefit some worthwhile cause.
Chapters on campus plan many philanthropy and community service projects during the year to benefit a variety of agencies. One of the big philanthropy projects that the Greek community does every semester is "Adopt a Highway" on East River Road.
Most chapters require members to maintain community service hours; yet these requirements are not a burden due to the satisfaction one gets when they have been completed. Philanthropy projects and community service are more than just helping out a cause. They show the community what Greeks are really like and they are a lot of fun for everybody involved.
Academic achievement is the first and foremost priority of all University students. Scholastic achievement is also central to the mission of most fraternities and sororities. Each fraternity or sorority places strong emphasis on creating an atmosphere conducive to high academic performance, as well as challenging each individual to live up to his and her highest academic potential.
Each fraternity and sorority generally implements various programs designed to assist members in their academic pursuits. Programs range from tutoring, help with scheduling, quiet study areas in the house, study tables for new members, test files, and awards for good grades.
Additionally, most organizations provide some financial scholarships supported by their national organizations and local alumni groups. These efforts reinforce the belief that academic achievement is an integral part of the fraternity and sorority experience.
Greek membership is for a lifetime. One of the greatest benefits that comes with being a member of the Greek community are the relationships you make with alumni, which provide many opportunities for career networking and mentoring, not only with your initial job search but also throughout your career. Homecoming, chapter anniversary dinners, conferences, conventions, and other events foster interaction with alumni. Alumni/graduate chapters located throughout the nation provide opportunities for continued involvement after graduation. Because their Greek experience was so meaningful, many alumni "give back" to their organization by volunteering their time on a chapter advisory board, housing corporations' board, or as a regional or district officer.
Throughout your college experience at RIT, the friendships that our members make within their chapters are the ones that last a lifetime. Whether you came to college not knowing a single person or knowing several people, the opportunity to be a part of a brotherhood or sisterhood transcends your RIT college experience.
Brotherhood and sisterhood are the bonds of unity and friendship that last a lifetime. These bonds are not only among members for each individual chapter, but amongst chapters around the nation, due to the history and the ideals that each chapter was founded upon.
By becoming a member of the Greek community, you will meet people who will grow to become your closest friends; those who will cheer you on when you're successful and who will support you when the going gets tough. Lifelong friendships and associations are made through active participation in a Greek organization.
These relationships are deeper than going to parties, more meaningful than wearing the same letters. They are about growth and development of individuals as they begin their lives at RIT. Each new member brings his or her unique talents to the fraternity or sorority and is valued and respected for the way he or she is.
While academics are the main reason for one to attend RIT, you will achieve the best college experience possible through the proper balancing of academics and social activities. Joining a fraternity or sorority will offer you the most extensive social outlets possible on the RIT campus. Being Greek gives you the opportunity to meet new friends through participation in events like Brick City Festival, Alumni Weekends, Date Nights, Formals, Theme Parties, Greek Weekend and many other social activities. Fraternity men and sorority women pride themselves on the ability to help their fellow brothers and sisters develop socially and learn to have fun in a safe environment.