Membership Information

How do I join this section?

  • It's easy: just come to our meetings and start participating! Meetings are Wednesday nights at 7pm in the Bamboo Room. You can also join our mailing list here.

Do I have to pay?

  • No, you do not need to pay to be an RIT SWE member. However, if you would like to attend conferences and take advantage of post-graduate benefits, we encourage you to become an official Society Member.

How do I become a Society Member?

  • Go to and register (select RIT SWE as the section, if you have any questions please contact us via email), pay your dues ($50 for all of your collegiate career in addition to your first year as a professional), and you're done! Once you've signed up, you will get a membership card and a packet of info mailed to the address of your choice. You’ll also get a cool RIT SWE t-shirt!
  • Being an official Society Member allows you to participate in national SWE events including one of the largest events, Annual Conference. You'll also gain new networking and job opportunities and continue to develop as a professional in STEM.

I have class during meetings, can I still be a member?

  • Yes! Just send us an email and we will still put you on the mailing list. We have social, community service, professional, and other events at various days and times that you can participate in.

I haven't been to a meeting in while... is it okay for me to come back?

  • Definitely! We understand how easy it is to get caught up with school work. We encourage you to come to any event if you're free and to jump right back into being an active member!