Helpful resources for Volunteering with RIT FoodShare

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Reoccurring Volunteer Opportunities

Below are some reoccurring opportunities we can always use help with. For more information, feel free to contact us with any questions.

Public Market Drivers

Every Saturday we receive fresh produce donations from Flower City Pickers in the Public Market. We are always in need of drivers to help us each week by delivering the fresh produce from the market to our center on campus.

Fresh Produce Donation Sorters

Every other Wednesday and every Saturday we receive local fresh produce. We are always looking for an extra set of hands to help us weigh, sort, and put away produce when these donations come into our center.

Other Opportunities

Depending on availability, we also offer monthly Volunteer Days, volunteer help at events, and pop in volunteer opportunities. If this is something you are interested in partaking in (as a group or individual) please contact us today to learn more.