NTID Student Life Team



About Us

Student Life Team Mission Statement:

The Student Life Team is exceptional in its success in supporting, advocating for and with, and challenging deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, deaf disabled, and late deafen college students, while establishing and maintaining an ethic of care and concern for and in this environment. All of this leading to a significant and positive quality of academic and social life on campus.

The Student Life Team (SLT) challenges and educates all deaf and hard-of-hearing students, providing resources and support for their successful transition throughout college and after graduation.

SLT's collaborations with the NTID Counseling and Academic Advising Services Department, NTID Center on Employment, NTID Student and Academic Services, RIT Department of Public Safety and several offices across RIT's Division of Student Affairs ensure that students are provided diverse opportunities to optimize their collegiate experiences.

SLT's co-curricular and late-night educational programming, spiritual/religious and civility exploration workshops, self-advocacy and community accountability mentoring programs, social and cultural programs, fraternity and sorority event collaborations, and club/organization advising are avenues of outreaching and networking with deaf and hard-of-hearing students.

SLT values its ongoing partnership with RIT/NTID alumni to offer every student a greater sense of his/her purpose as a global citizen.

Our Team

Eitan Cassidy-Kulchinsky Profile

Eitan Cassidy-Kulchinsky

Zivia Gale Profile

Zivia Gale

Mya Malone Profile

Mya Malone

Social Media Team Lead
Maria Vargas Profile

Maria Vargas

SDC Student Assistant
Christine Ecker Profile

Christine Ecker

Sr. Staff Assistant
Leah Morgenthal Profile

Leah Morgenthal

SDC Student Assistant
Rose Karnai Profile

Rose Karnai

Community Student Leader
Brendan Malloy Profile

Brendan Malloy

SDC Student Assistant
Emma Vollmar Profile

Emma Vollmar

Community Student Leader
Jenifer Sanchez Profile

Jenifer Sanchez

Multicultural Student Leader
Shenyiah Fuller Profile

Shenyiah Fuller

Multicultural Student Leader
Ziya Wilson Profile

Ziya Wilson

Multicultural Student Leader
Rebecca McGregor Profile

Rebecca McGregor

Program Coordinator
Suyun Hu Profile

Suyun Hu

SDC Student Assistant
Sarah McCormick Profile

Sarah McCormick

Assistant Director
Tim Albert Profile

Tim Albert

Laniece Oliver Profile

Laniece Oliver

MSL Team Lead
Jess Whitehouse Profile

Jess Whitehouse

Program Coordinator
Riley Cuddie Profile

Riley Cuddie

Social Media Specialist
Jane Rodriguez Profile

Jane Rodriguez

Social Media Specialist

E: studentlifeteam@rit.edu
P: (585) 286-4629

NTID Student Life Team

52 Lomb Memorial Drive, bdg 55-1200
Rochester, NY, 14623