
Ace Tarsia

Co- President

3rd year ESHS major

Responsible for coordinating committees, overseeing the E-Board, and ensuring that SEAL's mission is met.

Anna Young


3rd year ESHS major

Responsible for coordinating committees, overseeing the E-Board, and ensuring that SEAL's mission is met.

Emersen Bartsch

Vice President

3rd year ESHS major

Responsible for running general meetings and performing outreach to the RIT and greater Rochester community.

Caitlin Kowalczyk


3rd year ESHS major

Responsible for managing SEAL's finances.

Abby Keating


4th year ESHS major

Responsible for sending weekly email and managing SEAL's social media.

Alex Miner

Social Media Secretary

3rd year ESHS major

Responsible for running social media accounts and promoting club.

Jessica Pardee


Associate Professor

Department of Science, Technology, and Society College of Liberal Arts