Prayer Spaces

Located within the Schmitt Interfaith Center at RIT, dedicated prayer spaces are available to accommodate the religious practices of our Muslim brothers and sisters. These spaces are thoughtfully arranged to provide an environment for prayer and reflection, catering to the specific needs of our diverse community. By offering such facilities, we aim to ensure that every member of our community has the opportunity to observe their religious duties comfortably and respectfully, reinforcing our commitment to inclusivity and the support of spiritual well-being on campus.

Designated Prayer Spaces

We provide allocated prayer areas for all. These spaces are intended for prayer and enable both brothers and sisters to partake in their religious practices.

Sister's prayer room

In the interfaith center, there is a prayer room on the lower level specifically dedicated to sister's.

Additional Prayer Spaces

In the interfaith center, the Skalny room on the lower level is reserved for most prayer sessions. If the Skalny room is unavailable, there are alternative rooms on the upper floor of the building designated for every prayer.