"Only a few were born but only the strong are Omega"
Since our inception in the Spring of 1997, the Omnipotent Omega chapter of La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. has grown due to the efforts and dedication of all of our Hermanos. Below you will find a brief description of our members
Line | Semester | Line Name | Hermano Name |
Alpha | Spring 1997 | "Los Padres de la Piedra" |
1. Manuel Ramirez Esq - "Roca" 2. Rafael Morales - "Alma" 3. Eddie Garcia II - "Soldado" |
Beta | Spring 1999 | "Los Esculptores" |
1. Julio Carballo - "Brutal" 2. Jonathan Malavé - "Intenso" 3. Orlando Torres - "Volcán" |
Gamma | Spring 2000 | "Soul Survivor" | 1. Otis Goodwin - "Diestro" |
Delta | Spring 2001 | "Los Dynamicos" |
1. Marlon Joris - "Listo" 2. Jose Laguna - "Feroz" |
Epsilon | Spring 2003 | "La Esperanza y El Futuro" |
1. Manuel Meneses - "Indiscutible" 2. Chris Raby - "Invincible" 3. Marvin Jean Jacques - "Irrompible" 4. Englebert "Bert" Tejeda - "Excepcional" 5. Alexander Breton - "Peligroso" |
Zeta | Spring 2004 | "Los Héroes Continentales" |
1. Paul Valdez - "Ejemplar" 2. Keith James - "Verve" 3. Carlo Fusco - "Mordáz" |
Eta | Spring 2005 | "Los Caudillos" |
1. Edwar Estrada - "Adalid" 2. Angel Sosa - "Guerrero" 3. Christian Luperon - "Fiera" |
Theta | Spring 2006 | "La Reforma Trinitaria" | 1. Randolph Pena - "Fervoroso" |
Iota | Spring 2007 | "Los Escogidos" |
1. Robert Duran - "Ciclón" 2. Lorenzo Hernandez - "Valeroso" 3. Shaun Villanueva - "Terremoto" |
Kappa | Spring 2008 | "El Fuego Del Alma" | 1. Fernando Martinez - "Imbatible" |
Lambda | Spring 2009 | "Los Guardianes De La Verdad y La Paz" |
1. Maurice Evans - "Guardián" 2. Lorenzo Mendez - "Gladiador" 3. Luis Soto - "Coronel" 4. Miguel Adames - "Cataclismo" 5. Joseph Gonzalez - "Perpetuo" |
Mu | Spring 2010 | "Los Hijos Y Guerreros De La Libertad" |
1. Samuel Guzman - "Hierro" 2. Jonell Liriano - "Supremo" 3. Daniel Solis - "Impavido" 4. Khaled Suleiman - "Indomito" 5. Andrew Ruiz - "Titan" |
Nu | Spring 2012 | "Mercenarios Por Nuestra Patria" |
1. Kendrick Chea - "Ahínco" 2. Jose Camilo - "Invicto" 3. Paul Mendez - "Bastión" 4. Alex Martin - "Apocalíptico" 5. Diego De La Cruz - "Atlas" |
Xi | Spring 2014 | "Los Soldados Unidos De Perseverancia" |
1. Julio Alvarado - "Incisivo" 2. Jimmy Escalona - "Férreo" |
Omicron | Spring 2015 | "Los Partidarios Del Honor" |
1. Daniel Santoyo - "Virtuoso" 2. Brandall Bernal - "Baluarte" |
Pi | Fall 2015 | "Heredero De Las Tropas De Combate" | 1. Donald Palma - "Resuelto" |
Rho | Fall 2016 |
1. Josue Hernandez - "Tenaz" 2. Alexander De La Rosa - "Utópico" |
Sigma | Fall 2017 | "Los Sicarios De La Cultura" |
1. George Cuevas - "Resurgente" 2. Daniel Ruano - "Eminente" 3. Hector Abreu - "Sensato" 4. Anthony Brito - "Indestructible" 5. Ruben Cruz - "Hércules" 6. Alfonso Martinez - "Mito" |
Tau | Spring 2020 | "Los Titanes Del Abismo" |
1. Mateo Alexander - "Proteo" 2. Dennysis Brito - "Tempestuoso" 3. Oswaldo Baires Mendez - "Itzamna" |