Hello and thank you for your interest in this PawPrint,
Global Union would like to emphasize that this response is long overdue and we are grateful for your patience. We wanted to make sure that we provided you with the most useful and accurate information.
Global Union, the International Student Services office, Student Government, and OASIS have met with the Vice-President of Enrollment Management, Ian Mortimer. We have come up with some possible solutions, which includes reaching out to Alumni in hopes of establishing a scholarship fund for international students. Global Union will personally be reaching out to some Alumni who were involved with Global Union in the past. The International Service office is also looking into something similar (more information to come).
We would also like to make it clear that this matter is not closed and will not be forgotten. We are simply "closing" the petition because of the amount of time which has passed since it was created. We will continue to work with the RIT administration to ensure our students are being advocated for and we are all doing everything possible to help. The complexity of the matter also plays a role in how and when new information is released. Regardless, we will all try to keep everyone updated.
Global Union, OASIS, International Student Services, and Student Government have decided to establish a meeting every three weeks in order to discuss how our plans are unfolding and to have the administration listen to our concerns. Meeting minutes from these meetings will be posted on Global Union's website to keep everyone informed. Additional information will also be available on the website: https://www.rit.edu/studentaffairs/globalunion/ We highly encourage students to send us any concerns related to the petition that they would like us to present.
As for spring semester, we understand that most students will still be in similar financial situations, which is why we will continue having these discussions. We ask everyone to keep in mind that the university has lost so much money and is also experiencing financial hardship. Regardless, we will try our best to make tuition payments more manageable.
Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions. Any questions or concerns can be emailed to globalunion@rit.edu or my personal email, ixlgu@rit.edu.
Isabel Lopez
Global Union President