Consciousness is our first pillar because understanding what is happening with yourself and your community is vital to bringing change. Most times we focus on community consciousness but self-consciousness is just as important as an ALANA student. It is common to become detached from yourself and your community when dealing with academic loads, mental health, and personal growth. We plan on supporting affiliates by helping them create programming that allows the general body to be connected with themselves and other organizations.
Advocacy is our second pillar because of the silent battles ALANA students face at this predominantly white institution. We constantly have to defend ourselves in and out of the classroom, which becomes draining. This second pillar will consist of us working with MCAS to reestablish the MCAS Advocates program as well as providing students the opportunity to stop into our Office Hours for support in finding solutions to the challenges they are currently facing. A large part of this pillar is engaging in transparent conversations with administration and student government to move toward improving the ALANA experience.
Literacy is the third pillar because it is going to be the heart of the programming we do. Some topics will include finances, sexual health, media, and overall well-being. Miscommunication about the college experience, how financial aid works, and the steps after college is prevalent within the RIT community. This is why we plan on dedicating our programming to helping students understand key concepts they need to know in order to prevail during college and after.
Mental health is our final pillar because initiatives such as Wind Down Wednesdays and Wake Up Wednesdays have been helping ACA connect with the ALANA student body in an informal way. In addition to continuing initiatives like this, we want to develop safe spaces and conversations where students can feel as though they are free to express themselves while effectively finding solutions to make them feel better. No one knows the ALANA student experience better than ALANA students and through developing mentorship groups and support groups, we can continue to validate and improve our experiences.