The TABLE Lutheran-Episcopal Campus Ministry

All are welcomed at God's Table.


About Us

The TABLE Lutheran-Episcopal Campus Ministry at RIT & NTID is a group of students from many religious backgrounds. We gather every Sunday evening around two tables - the Altar Table around which we receive Holy Communion, and, the Dinner Table, around which we support one another in Christian love. We also have discussion groups, service projects and fun events. This year, we're hoping to have a retreat - off campus - at which we will dig deeper into our own lives of faith (and have a little fun, too!). Please join us at "The TABLE" – you are always welcome.

A New Perspective

When we gather at The TABLE we first will come together for worship in the Allen Chapel, inside the Schmitt Interfaith Center. Then, we gather again, downstairs in the Skalny Room, for a home-cooked meal provided by local Lutheran and Episcopal churches.

Over our shared meal we enjoy each other's fellowship, catch up with one another, and gain new perspective from one another each week.







