But what do we do?!
Worship Remix is a rotating Tuesday program where we see how faith intersects with other modes of expression. Faith grows around the supper table? Absolutely. In worship? Surely. As we game? Oh, interesting.
Here's a rough approximation of what we do each Tuesday at 5:00 PM, check the weekly newsletter for more specifics:
First Tuesday Dinner Dialogue
Come join your fellow PCC-ers at table as we share pizza and a philosophical theological discussion about the nature of life. Bring your thinking cap, hunger, and your curiosity to see how queer faith and deep thought intersect.
Second Tuesday Taize Worship
This ancient French mode of worship is all about reflection, candlelight and silence. Through meditation, chants and modern poetry we allow ourselves to enter into a new way of being with God’s help. May the light of the candles wash away our stress and fatigue so we can come to rest and be refreshed.
Third Tuesday Music & Meaning
Let's spend some time basking in music together: how it heals, what it feels like to engage with music, and how that relationship between us and our songs forms us. Through discussion, video, and audio we'll learn more about each other and ourselves!
Fourth Tuesday Game Night
Play’s sacred, you know? Each PCC game night we’ll explore something like DnD, frisbee throwing, tabletop gaming or local console gaming as a spiritual practice as we get to know one another through how we play. Geeks of all stripes welcome!