Semester Events


Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, is celebrated annually between October and November. It is particularly associated with Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity, and marks the beginning of the fiscal year in India.

We host a Diwali celebration every year for everyone to come together, celebrate the festival, and feel closer to home. It is a vibrant event open to all. The festivities begin with a small prayer, followed by the lighting of sparklers, dinner, and an open dance floor.


Navaratri is a festival dedicated to the Divine Feminine, most often associated with Durga Ma and Goddess Parvati. This festival lasts for nine days and nights, during which various forms of the Devi are worshipped. Navaratri celebrates Her various incarnations and victories over terrible demons.

Garba, a traditional dance, is celebrated every year on one of the nine days of the festival. We begin the celebration by praying to the goddesses and gods, and then we dance around a small temple built by the eboard. After performing Garba for a while, we serve dinner, followed by an open dance floor for everyone to enjoy.

Weekly Meetings

We host weekly meetings every Friday at 4:30 PM throughout the year, with the location announced at the start of each semester. These gatherings are a fantastic opportunity to make new friends and get to know the South Asian community at RIT. During our meetings, we enjoy fun games and icebreakers to help everyone connect.

Additionally, we hold SLC meetings every 2-3 weeks where we play sports like badminton, soccer, and basketball, along with other fun activities. These meetings provide a sense of home, allowing people to bond with others from the same city or who speak the same language.

OASIS Premier League (OPL)

Each spring semester, we organize a "TBD" event, and in 2024, we hosted the OPL (OASIS Premier League). The OPL was a cricket-based event where several teams signed up to compete against each other in friendly matches. This event was designed to foster friendship and provide an enjoyable experience for both participants and spectators. It allowed people to engage in the sport, appreciate the excitement of cricket, and have fun in a relaxed, social environment. The OPL was not just about competition; it was about bringing people together, promoting physical activity, and building a sense of community through the shared love of cricket.

Desi Met Gala (DMG)

Each spring semester, we organize a special event known as "TBD." In 2023, we had the pleasure of hosting the DMG (Desi Met Gala). DMG was a glamorous event that gave everyone the opportunity to dress up in their finest attire. A red carpet was laid out for attendees to walk on, adding an air of elegance and excitement. This red carpet led to a photobooth equipped with fun props, providing the perfect backdrop for capturing memorable moments. The atmosphere was further enlivened by Bollywood music playing in the background, creating an energetic environment for dancing and enjoyment. The combination of stylish fashion, engaging activities, and vibrant music made the DMG an unforgettable evening for all who attended.


Holi, a Hindu festival celebrating spring, love, and new life, marks the culmination of springtime festivities.

We typically celebrate in the first week of April, depending upon weather conditions. Participants are provided with powdered colors, water guns, and water balloons to partake in the joyful celebration. We often include spirited games like tug of war, accompanied by a pool for water play. The atmosphere is further lively by background music, encouraging attendees to dance and immerse themselves fully in the joyous occasion.