Nichiren Buddhist Community



The Nichiren Buddhist Community focuses on the practices of Nichiren Shu, a school of Buddhism founded by St. Nichiren in 1253. Our order of Nichiren Buddhism has been practiced for over 750 years, beginning in Japan during the Kamakura era.

Our community discusses the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha, engages in chanting the Lotus Sutra as a form of meditation and devotion, and offers a space for peace and equanimity.

Our practice is to cultivate our Buddha nature, inherent in all sentient beings, and to live a life in harmony with universal truth embodied in the Lotus Sutra.

Our Buddha nature is ripened by chanting the Odaimoku, “Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.” Namu means “adoration,” Myoho Renge Kyo is the Japanese name for the Lotus Sutra.

In addition to our in-person services throughout the academic year, we also offer year-long online services and dharma talks.  You can view these on the Events tab above or you can contact Rev. Ryumon Chad Grohman for a Zoom link.


Andrew Cirillo

Associate Director for Campus Life and University Chaplain
*Confidential Resource
#Schedule a Time to Meet In Person or Virtually

Rev. Ryumon Chad Grohman, MFA

Nichiren Buddhist Community Chaplain
*Confidential Resource