Glory House International
THE PLUG College Ministry

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

Glory House International (GHI) is a power contemporary Christian ministry and partner organization of Spirituality and Religious Life, holding services on campus quarterly, in addition to bible study every Thursday. THE PLUG is GHI's campus ministry, led by Allen Pinkins. THE PLUG cultivates faith, freedom, and love through Christ to college communities by discipling people into worship, devotion, and service. We are here to help you connect to Jesus, flaws and all!









THE PLUG Experience

A vibrant environment, free of judgment, that welcomes all to come as is: flaws and all! THE PLUG's ministry team is dedicated to connecting students, faculty, and family members to Jesus despite ethnicity, faith background, spiritual experience, or social preference.


A fusion of music and arts that connects the people to the presence of God and refreshes the soul. Provides a contemporary feel, but also super lit!

Tweet & Greet

Members are encouraged to take a selfie with someone they don't know. Afterwards, they post the pic on social media. This is an opportunity to fellowship mid service while making Christianity socially relevant one pic at a time!
Instagram: @ghitheplug_rit

The Message

The sermons are provided by teachers who live the word they preach and show how the Bible applies to daily life. It is delivered in an attainable, relatable way.

Our Vision

It's all about FAITH!

Faith in Action. Faith in Cultivation. Faith in Others.

The ministry is built on a 3-tier working model that will provoke growth in Christ and spiritual maturity.


Faith in Action: To prefer our brothers/sisters before ourselves. This will be reflected in serving students at large on campus (study sessions, bible studies, etc.)


Faith in Cultivation: To grow and abound in our faith: drawing closer to God through our worship, studies, and prayer life (prayer walks, prayer services, prayer teachings, etc.)


Faith in Others: Passionate about discovering who our brothers & sisters are on campus, learning how to love them, and walking beside them on their faith journey.