How to Apply

As a Freshman

When accepted to RIT, in your housing contract, you will be able to select if you would like to join an SIH. Select Photo House and you will need to complete a short application with a few questions.

Select Photo House during the SIH/alternative housing options section of the housing contract selection

There should be a drop down during the process where you can select an SIH or alternative housing you are interested in.

Answer the questions on our application

Don't worry about trying to answer with a "correct" answer, there isn't one. Just be yourself and answer honestly.

We start to receive and review applications around March and continue into the summer

We don't see any names when we review applications to ensure honest selection. If you asnwer the questions honestly and as yourself we'll most likely accept you!

Acceptance notifications sent out

During the summer you'll hear back about if you were accepted to Photo House and if you'll be an on or off floor member. You'll be able to log online and select your room and roomate of you are to be an on floor member.

 Advanced issues found
 Advanced issues found
 Advanced issues found

Current Students

To join as a current student follow us on Campus Groups and/or reach out to us at or social media!