From: Samuel Kinsman
Date: October 1, 2024
Subject: PCC News for Tuesday, October 1st:


PCC News for Tuesday, October 1st:

Our pup Kaz doesn't like getting his paws wet (same) so he stays close when the morning dew is out. Here come the sweater days of looking out the window and remembering something! Here come study breaks and losing track of what time it is in a lecture.

As we deepen our relationship to the normalcy of the year, let's find the purpose and energy to fill the tank. What's going to get us out of bed? What's worth teaching to a friend? Hoping and praying this week feels safe, sustained, and easier than expected. (Maybe some cider...)

~ Chaplain Sam

Tonight: SAIC Cafe @ UR's Interfaith Chapel!

5:30 - 7:30ish
Carpool w/ PCCers to UR

Our Student Interfaith Committee at UR is hosting a Music & Religion cafe (with food!) where representatives from each of our communities shares a song. PCCers from both campuses will be performing a new arrangement of one of our favorite hymns, it's going to be a blast.

Want to come join as a supportive audience member? We'd love to have you over and show you our sister community just across the way. About 8 folks can go via carpool, happy to update if there's more interest.

Team Finn will be leaving from the SRL doors (just near Allen Chapel) at 5:30
Team AJ will be leaving from the very same doors at 5:45.

Stay for some music, grab some food, let's all try something new.

~*~* Christianity is Magic*~*~

On Sunday, PCC President Finn got me hooked on this incredible album: Check out Cory Henry's Church.

He takes favorite hymns lifted out of the Black Gospel tradition and arranges them with a funky jazzy flair. Truly, one of the most joyous albums I've heard in a long time. Great to study to, great to help your mind wander.

Nice find, PCC! Man there's so much good music being created every day. 

Coming Up:
  • No Drop-in Spiritual Counseling Today
    • Alas, I'm leading an RIT 365 workshop -- the Labyrinth -- We'll be back for more next Tuesday 10/8 2:30 - 4:30. 
  • As RIT's big fundraising Roar Day approaches at the end of October, I could use some major student support with fundraising so we can keep growing PCC big and strong. Will you shout at me via email or text if you're willing to help?

That's it! Blessings for the week ahead, it seems as if the schoolwork is getting dense. Can't wait to meet you all, feel free to email me or text @ 714 299 8420 if you want to meet for coffee or lunch during the weeks ahead. Here we go PCC, let's get moving.

Our email address is:

Chaplain Sam can be reached at: 714 299 8420 in case of emergency or for counseling appointments on Tuesdays.
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