From: Samuel Kinsman
Date: January 30, 2024
Subject: PCC News for Tuesday, January 30th:


PCC News for Tuesday, January 30th:

Christ in the Wilderness by Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoĭ

IImage Description: A rough-focused painting of the shadowed figure of Christ. He sits at rest and deep contemplation. Behind him lies sparse trees and a sunrise across an empty plain. 

Wilderness can look a few ways: Some days the open expanse of the world beckons us to step into something new. Some days the enormity of life can have us feeling sheepish and small. As we consider the year ahead may this wilderness experience (that Christ knew so well) bring you each great possibility. 

There's a lot to do and you are the ones to do it, dear PCC. You've got this.

Tonight! Intentional Game Night

Gaming can be a lot of things: Some days it's an escape, some days it's a way to unwind and relax. Let's play some tabletop games to get to know each other, to help each other along the way, and to build a sense of communal hope. 

Plus my partner just got me a copy of Sushi Go so we gotta start with that. See you there.

5:00 - 6:00
Sun Room upstairs in SRL

Thursday: PCC @ Freezefest

PCC will be at a table 12:00 - 1:30 in the Fireside lounge where groups from Spirituality & Religious Life are sharing religious symbols from our unique traditions. Let me know if you'd like to help table or stop on by to say hi, it's going to be a great opportunity to meet some new folks and share what we do. Register below.

Christianity is Weird

New year, new stuff in the newsletter. Each week we'll offer something strange and wonderful out of pop culture emphemera that has to do with the inherent sacred strangeness of Christianity.

Do you all know about Sonseed's classic Christian pop song Jesus is a Friend of Mine? Well now you do. We did a fully choreographed dance performance to this in college, I'm glad it was before Youtube got big. (We don't need any historical record of that one.) This song rules! His vocal delivery is tight (kinda like Devo if you ask me) and somehow this sounds more like a ska song than most ska songs. Enjoy.

We need your help

Hey there, PCC. Big things are happening for us this semester! We're doing our first fundraising Lenten appeal with the office of advancement to secure PCC's future at RIT. And we need Ambassadors to help!

No need to take any steps just yet, I'm bringing the world early so you can consider with low pressure. Thanks for thinking on it, let me know if you have any questions.

No newsletter or programming next week as I'll be traveling to the ACSLHE Chaplain's conference with colleagues from RIT, UR and Cornell! We'll be back in 2 weeks on Tuesday 2/13 to consider Lent, eat some pizza at Dinner Dialogue and catch up on all good things.

Blessings abound. Take care, PCC.

Our email address is:

Chaplain Sam can be reached at: 714 299 8420 in case of emergency or for counseling appointments on Tuesdays.
Check out our instagram!
Check out our instagram!

Check out our linktree for even more info about us!
Check out our linktree for even more info about us!
Copyright © 2023 Progressive Chapel Community, All rights reserved.

PCC Grab Bag Logo


PCC Grab Bag

Tuesday, January 30, 2024
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Private Location (sign in to display)
Add to Google Cal, Outlook, Yahoo, iCal

Join us every Tuesday for a different rotating event of Dinner Dialogue, Taizé Worship, Karaoke Night, and Game Night.

 FreezeFest:  Spiritual and Religious Symbols from Around the World Logo


FreezeFest: Spiritual and Religious Symbols from Around the World

Thursday, February 1, 2024
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Private Location (sign in to display)
Add to Google Cal, Outlook, Yahoo, iCal

Come and join Spirituality and Religious Life and the Interfaith Council as the different spiritual and religious chaplains display, highlight, and explain the significance behind their religious symbols and iconography!  What's the purpose of a paten and chalice at a Christian service or challah at Jewish Shabbat or Wuḍūʾ in Islam?  Grab some food and learn some interesting facts!

FreezeFest is a celebration of winter at RIT, featuring a variety of on- and off-campus activities. For a complete list of events, visit  #RITFreezeFest