PCC News for Tuesday, October 22nd:

The sun's out this week. There's plenty to do! But the sun is beckoning. I apologize for the lack of communication the past few weeks. From our offsite @ UR to Fall Break to me getting sick last week, it's been a choppy disconnected sort of month. I hear I'm not the only one making space in a busy season.
We're back! Plenty to do, so glad to see you all again this evening for music and community. Can't wait to see how your classes have been going and what's new.
~ Chaplain Sam
Tonight: Music & Meaning 2.0
5:00 to 6:15ish
SRL's Jones Chapel
We're back again! This program is our way to build a shared playlist around a theme. Song by song we'll make a tiny aural capsule of our community, this week? Why? Because listening to music together always changes us. On a spiritual level, in how community grows, shared music listening is a restful and reflective practice we can prioritize for our mental and spiritual health.
Our theme this week is Songs From Another Planet.
Do I mean songs about space? Sure. We love those. But the metaphor extends to songs that transport the listener to another place entirely. Songs that send you somewhere. Songs that feel like they were beamed down from thousands of years away resembling nothing on Earth. Bring the weird, out there, avant garde stuff you've got hidden in the basement.
Can't wait to see you all and take a music trip together.
~*~* Christianity is Magic*~*~
I've always been utterly enthralled by the art of Maxfield Parrish. My mom had a print of Daybreak -- his most famous piece -- in the house, "Maxfield Parrish clouds" was a shorthand for puffy white clouds over a blue sky.

Parrish's work wasn't overtly Christian but he grew up Quaker. But as a Christian observer of his work, the pieces abound with Holy Spirit. His subjects dream big. The soaring skies of his landscapes invite us to dream even bigger. His work has always tapped me back into the simple hope of things.

When asked what inspired him as an artist, he said: “those qualities that delight us in nature – the sense of freedom, pure air and light, the magic of distance, and the saturated beauty of color.”

His fanbase included Elton John, Norman Rockwell, Michael Jackson, and Alan Moore. His work inspired the development of contemporary sci fi and fantasy monoculture in the 70s and 80s, the queer sensibility to his art is worth pondering.

Check out some more of his work at https://doorofperception.com/2018/01/maxfield-parrish/, hope you dream big today dear PCC.
Coming Up:
- ROAR Day is here in 9 days! And PCC is listed as one of RIT's "Impact Areas," what a world. We could use 3-5 PCCers who would be willing to become Ambassadors and help us raise some funds for future generations of faithful misfits. Will you help? Info here: https://givecampus.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com/uploads/redactor_assets/files/124069/Ambassador_Sign_Up_Instructions.pdf
- Games Can Help, our big Gaming + Wellness event is now going to be on Friday, December 6th. Time to chill and plan! See you there.
- Drop-in Counseling hours are back from 2:30 - 4:30. We're keeping visits on the shorter side -- around 30 minutes -- to accommodate seeing multiple folks in the window, text me if you'd like a longer visit some other time in the week.
That's it. Good to be back, see you all tonight.
Our email address is: skinsman@ur.rochester.edu
Chaplain Sam can be reached at: 714 299 8420 in case of emergency or for counseling appointments on Tuesdays.