From: OUTspoken
Date: May 8, 2020
Subject: The Final Newsletter (or is it?)

Screencap of a scene from the Office with Michael yelling Oh my God it's happening! Everybody stay calm! Everybody stay calm!

Should I step up my game tonight? Yes. Will I? Probably not because I've only eaten one apple all day and I'm gonna eat some Dairy Queen.

Luca said I should make that the first line of the newsletter, and I was more than happy to fulfil their request.

Wow. The last newsletter. I can't imagine how sad it will be for you all, living in an Elizabeth-less world for the summer...OR IS IT? I'm actually going to be continuing my OUTspoken work over the summer as a continuation of this year's eboard! Just when you thought you were free from me, surprise! I'll still be running the social media accounts until August when the new eboard takes office. Speaking of which, normally the hiring process is completed by the end of the semester, but things got delayed because know, everything, and I'll make sure to send out information about applying for next year's eboard. Now, this begs the question: summer newsletters? Don't worry, I don't expect an answer right now. I'll give you time to think about it, and I'll get into more details about that at the end. But for now...
Picture of Eric Andre wearing a neon green shirt, pink baseball cap, and holding out a bottle of salad dressing with the caption: cheers i'll drink to that bro


In case you don't follow us on social media (you should get on that, by the way. I might be biased, but I post some pretty great content), here's a video message from OUTspoken's 2019-2020 eboard to class of 2020! It's on our Facebook (closed captions) and Instagram (open captions). Sadly I couldn't put it on twitter because it was over two and a half minutes, but I'll tweet out the Facebook and Instagram links later.

Speaking of later, when will my Dairy Queen arrive? GOOD NEWS EVERYONE, TREI A. IS AT THE RESTAURANT. Should be arriving in twenty six minutes.

Alright so, potential summer newsletter. I'm going to put a poll in this email as well as on our social media asking if you want newsletters over the summer. There won't be any events that I'm sharing (although to be fair, it won't be that different from these quarantine newsletters), but I would share resources, memes, and just...sorta keep continuing these for the next few months. And of course, if there's something you want to see in the newsletter, feel free to shoot us an email or hit us up on social media. There's a lot that I wanted to do with OUTspoken and with these newsletters that I didn't get to this academic year just because of the time constraints that came with classes, but I would love to do it this summer, if that's something you would be interested in. Anyway, we can sort out details later. But for now, I'm gonna get Serious on Main. Which is weird because I rarely ever do that, especially in newsletters, but here it goes. I would tell you to close your eyes, but then how would you read this? I suppose you could use a screenreader, but that's read out loud, so...ANYWAY BACK TO THE POINT.

I've had so much fun this year on eboard and doing this work for the community here. In the beginning I was really nervous, and was so afraid of screwing up because I didn't want to get fired or make people realize they made the wrong choice. I was also apprehensive when Ryan suggested a weekly newsletter. Like, one that I would write. Myself. Me. I didn't want to forget anything, or make it just another email to clog up your inbox, or, well, any number of things. But people actually liked them, and they replied to the email saying how much they enjoyed reading it, and that made me so immeasurably happy. People would talk about them around me, not knowing that I was the one that wrote them. BUT IN THE GOOD WAY! Once I was buying an apple fritter from Beanz after class one day, and when I passed my ID to pay, the person at the register saw my name and asked if I was the one who wrote the newsletters! I get really anxious and critical about all sorts of things, especially my writing, and just knowing that people actually like these means so much to me. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I've had an amazing time working as director of marketing, and it's no doubt in part because of all of you amazing people, and this was definitely a new experience for me. I wanted to say all of that now, because this might be the last newsletter I write. So, thanks. Really, thank you to everyone.

Wait, guys, okay, two minutes until the Dairy Queen ETA, this is perfect timing. I'll be honest, I never really understood why dogs end up freaking out over the doorbell until this year when I would order delivery to my apartment. WAIT, IT SAYS IT WAS DELIVERED THIRTEEN MINUTES AGO? I HAVE TO GO, I CAN'T HAVE MY OREO BLIZZARD MELT.

Elizabeth Sherrock (she/her)
Director of Marketing


Summer Newsletter
