From: Samuel Kinsman
Date: October 29, 2024
Subject: PCC News for Tuesday, October 29th:


PCC News for Tuesday, October 29th:

I took this picture when I was driving myself from California to South Carolina a month after I graduated college. I take it out of my back pocket whenever I need to remember how big the world is. The road ahead is clear, folks. We've got this.

Hope you're finding clever ways to manage the stressors of the moment. As it gets dark, as election pressure rages, we will lean on our faith and one another to keep going. Don't forget how much opportunity you have, and how much more you're creating by getting work done. We got this, folks. Bit by bit.

~ Chaplain Sam
Tonight: DnD with Jeremiah

5:00 to 6:15ish
SRL's Jones Chapel

Part 2 of our campaign of drop-in no prep required gaming. I can't wait to see and hear what you all came up with last time. Jeremiah's been keeping the details a lovely secret, but one PCCer did let it slip that someone's character is "an actual snake."

I am beyond excited to see if that's a literal snake or metaphorical snake, with DnD you never know. Let's have some fun and tell a story together.
ROAR Day is here! 

We have the chance to raise some funds to support PCC as it grows! PCC is small and niche in our first few years, but this year we're finding ways to introduce ourselves to the larger campus.

Will you pass the word to friends and family? RIT's Progressive Chapel Community shows up in the drop-down menu as someone gives, let's see what we can come up with.
~*~* Christianity is Magic*~*~

Sometimes, all it takes is one video to bring us back to the center of things.

I first heard Deniece sing when I was a kid, what a voice. What a gift!
Coming Up:
  • Next Tuesday let's grab some Chinese food from Dumpling House instead of pizza as we gather for our Election Night Dinner Dialogue! I'll take an order midday next week, pick out a yummy entree and let's enjoy: 
  • Games Can Help, our big Gaming + Wellness event is now going to be on Friday, December 6th from 12 - 4. Time to chill and plan! See you there.
  • Drop-in Counseling hours are back from 2:30 - 4:30. We're keeping visits on the shorter side -- around 30 minutes -- to accommodate seeing multiple folks in the window, text me if you'd like a longer visit some other time in the week. 

Our email address is:

Chaplain Sam can be reached at: 714 299 8420 in case of emergency or for counseling appointments on Tuesdays.
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