From: Samuel Kinsman
Date: April 30, 2024
Subject: PCC End of Year News Spring 2024:


PCC News for Tuesday, April 30th:

Happy Trails, PCC. This is the last newsletter this year! 

I used to see this picture of Christ at my high school buddy Kurt's house. (We were in a barbershop quartet together. Jealous?) I used to talk to this Jesus a lot; the laugh lines around his eyes were a great comfort when I was feeling mad and anxious.

Recently as I've grown into a more comfy adult Christianity, I've been taking some walks and talking with this silly Jesus like nothing's changed. He seems to really like PCC and what we're doing. 

So much of our year has felt this way. So much silly nonsense is on its way. Great work this year, folks. We're back in the fall to welcome some new students, debut some new swag, and see who else at RIT needs to find their community of faithful weirdos.

Thank God for each of you; see you soon.

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Chaplain Sam can be reached at: 714 299 8420 in case of emergency or for counseling appointments on Tuesdays.
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