Date: August 26, 2020
Subject: First AI Club Session on Twitch & Discord TODAY 7PM!!

What is AI, and What is RIT AI Club?

Today in our first ever Twitch stream (Aug 26 7pm EST), we will talk about some of the most commonly asked questions - what is AI? Is it a neural network that tells cats from dogs? Is it a robot programmed with partial differential equations? Is it if statements? We will take a high level, holistic view at AI and related fields, and provide some past and modern real world examples (as opposed to science fiction). In addition, we will introduce our eboard members, and some of the opportunities we provide for members to gain knowledge and practical experience with AI outside the Twitch streams. If time permits, we will also stream a short play session of Whilte True, Learn, a video game about training a neural network to learn cat language.
Reminder: our club has moved to a fully online format. We will interact with the streamer over our Twitch channel, and other club members over our Discord.