From: Samuel Kinsman
Date: February 13, 2024
Subject: PCC News for Tuesday, February 13th:


PCC News for Tuesday, February 13th:

Image Description: A palm cross lies on a rough wood surface.

Tomorrow marks the beginning of Lent, a season of reflection and repentance. That latter word can strike us in different ways, let's talk about how it feels as we go. We're leaning into liturgy and big church stuff this week as Lent holds us close.

You're invited to take stock of your life and spirit this season: What's working? What isn't helping you achieve your goals? In hope and prayer, we find our way through these six weeks with measured steps. Here we go!

Tonight! Dinner Dialogue:

Lent! Lent! Lent! We'll talk structure, church history, all of the wildness within this season of Christianity. Bring your big questions, let's ponder together. No need to know anything about the church or its history, all you need to be is curious and hungry.

5:00 - 6:00
Sun Room upstairs in SRL

Christianity is Weird:

Salvador Dali's 1954 masterwork Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus) is a sci-fi pulp book cover before we even knew what that meant. I love how religious art was impacted by technology and cosmic horror in the 50s; we suddenly knew how big the universe could be and it scaled our faith in the strangest ways. Dali painted his WIFE as the sole witness to the dreamcore representation of Christ's death at the hands of an unjust empire. Mary Magdalene who?

So often crucifixion art focuses on human brutality and suffering, but this piece feels alien, otherworldly, gamified. The chess board pattern below! Everything's so square!

Christianity is the weirdest.

We need your help:

Hey there, PCC. Big things are happening for us this semester! We're doing our first fundraising Lenten appeal with the office of advancement to secure PCC's future at RIT. And we need Ambassadors to help! We're just about ready to launch our appeal, get ready.

No need to take any steps just yet, I'm bringing the world early so you can consider with low pressure. Thanks for thinking on it, let me know if you have any questions.

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Chaplain Sam can be reached at: 714 299 8420 in case of emergency or for counseling appointments on Tuesdays.
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