PCC News for Tuesday, September 24th:

Some actor friends stayed the weekend with us. What a fun weekend of catching up after almost three years of not seeing each other! Right before they left to head back to their cat, they showed off the new coats they'd thrifted near Niagara Falls.
The breeze is picking up a bit. As it gets cooler we'll all find ways to keep warm. Hoping you all find cute coats that make you feel strong and brave, dear PCC. Looking forward to these fall weeks ahead as we hunker down.
~ Chaplain Sam
Tonight: DnD Time with Jeremiah!
5:00 - 6:15ish
Schmitt Interfaith Center's Jones Chapel
Our therapist friend Jeremiah Knowles has a lot of great qualities, but tonight he will be dungeon master! Last spring we spent about a month of Tuesdays in Gloomhaven discovering how to get the sun back to a town besieged by an evil cult.This year....? He's got something new up his sleeve.
We play a relaxed DnD where character work and combat are simplified, it's the sort of game where you can drop in at any time. One of our favorite parts is catching new players up with the story; Abby might be taking notes again, we'll see. Let's blend storytelling, RNG, and cozy unstructured time and see what happens.
~*~* Christianity is Magic*~*~
Jesus was a lot of things, of course we write songs about him. BUT! How do we approximate who Jesus was in a piece of music? Can a song truly capture the Jesus-ness of Jesus? Let's find out:

Judee Sill's Jesus Was a Cross Maker is a wild, woolly tune reflecting the struggles of her life. (May she rest in peace.) Her baroque pop structural take on the life of Jesus the Space Bandit has stood the test of time. One of my favorite Christian tunes ever!

Doesn't take much imagination to see why The Clark Sisters are the highest grossing female Gospel group of all time. THESE. VOCALS! Jesus is a Love Song is a reflective smolder, the way she balances grit and purity in that solo vocal is next level. Gospel does such a fantastic job of letting the holy spirit move in its own time, put this on when you study and sink in.
And finally...

Yes. I created this entire section to give myself an excuse to talk about this song again. I am 100% aware of the fact I spent an entire newsletter preaching at you about Sonseed's 70s ska classic Jesus is a Friend of Mine last year.
I will tell the good news about this song every year, perhaps every semester. This is culture. This is faith. This is PCC's Waterloo Rick Roll Evergreen Perfect Song. Jesus IS a friend of ours!!!!
Coming Up:
- Drop-in spiritual counseling hours are now a thing! As we get busier it'll be a bit more difficult to meet on the fly on Tuesdays, stop by the SRL Office (right near fireside lounge) between 2:30 and 4:30 every Tuesday to chat about whatever you want. If you find yourself waiting, just knock and let me know you're here.
- Update: As we're seeing a lot more people than expected, we'll keep these conversations to about 30 minutes to accommodate the volume of folks to talk to! What a blessing it is to meet all sorts of new folks this year as PCC grows.
- As RIT's big fundraising Roar Day approaches at the end of October, I could use some major student support with fundraising so we can keep growing PCC big and strong. Will you shout at me via email or text if you're willing to help?
That's it! Blessings for the week ahead, it seems as if the schoolwork is getting dense. Can't wait to meet you all, feel free to email me or text @ 714 299 8420 if you want to meet for coffee or lunch during the weeks ahead. Here we go PCC, let's get moving.
Our email address is: skinsman@ur.rochester.edu
Chaplain Sam can be reached at: 714 299 8420 in case of emergency or for counseling appointments on Tuesdays.