PCC News for Tuesday, November 14th:

Image Description: A small fluffy white dog smiles up at the camera sitting on a blue-gray mat. It is implied and perhaps understood that is a very good boy.
Life after installation hits different, y'all. What an amazing day that was to celebrate how PCC @ RIT is growing, changing, and deepening its joy. With pumpkin cake still in our hearts we journey on together. I'm so grateful for how so many of you showed up on Sunday, thanks for being a part of such a special day. What's next? Let's find out.
PS - our dog Kazuki passed his therapy dog classes. Get ready folks, the boy's coming to school.
~ Chaplain Sam
Tonight! Taize Worship
Taizé worship has a rich, lush space in the expanse of Christian history as it has always been infused by mysticism and wonder. PCC's worship is no different. Through silence, chant and listening, we will revisit one of the many ways in which PCC worships by the restorative light of candles.
5:00 - 5:30
Schmitt Interfaith Center Sun Room
Thursday Interfaith Event: Cake for Questions
The Interfaith Council, an SRL organized group, will be tabling as part of an educational outreach mission on diversity and inclusion. Representatives from major SRL groups will take your questions about culture, spirituality, and religion.
Win treats by asking each group a culturally relevant question! Earn bonus items with additional trivia questions.
3:30 - 5:00
Campus Center Breezeway |
Now that we've answered questions from Chaplain Sam, here's a question for you to answer! (Text Chaplain Sam your answer or respond in the PCC Recent Posts)
What piece of media feels the most you? Could be a song, movie or poem. That art or writing where you're like "Ah, there I am. There's my whole self."
Our email address is: skinsman@ur.rochester.edu
Chaplain Sam can be reached at: 714 299 8420 in case of emergency or for counseling appointments on Tuesdays.