PCC News for Tuesday, August 27th:
Woah! Woah. We're back for another year, PCC. Welcome back; welcome to RIT!
We ended last year's newsletters with The Laughing Christ, let's invite Jesus to laugh again as we start again this year. These Tuesday newsletters will be a (hopefully entertaining) way to see what PCC's doing over the course of the year. Programming, culture, and faith. Let's go!

I hope this year ahead brings plenty of opportunities to laugh so hard you have to tilt your head back. It's a great feeling.
Tonight! Tiny Game Night and Tiger Activities Fair
5:00 - 9:00ish
Schmitt Interfaith Center's Skalny Room, then Gordon Field House @ 5:45.
We'd scheduled a nice relaxed board game night for PCCers to get to know each other, but wouldn't you know it? We've got things to do. After about 40 minutes introducing ourselves and playing some quick tiny board games...
...we'll be heading to the Activities Fair for one of those high school anime episodes where everyone gets folks to join the baking club or do the cutesy relay race wearing the mascot costume. Come stop by the PCC table for some swag! We've got fun new stuff this year.
~*~* Christianity is Magic*~*~
We used to call this section "Christianity is Weird" but due to major linguistic development in American politics, we've retired that word. Plus this will let us enjoy things without getting too snarky.

Did you know that St. Francis of Assisi imagined an all female Trinity? We talk a lot about Francis, known for his commitment to godly poverty, his love of animals, and his deep connection to nature.
Now of course we've gotta take interpretation soft and light since we can't project too too much about the past, but cmon. There is an anecdotal story that he had his fellow monks call him "Lady Poverty" near the end of his life. Great drag name.
At some point in Taize worship this year we'll read Francis's Canticle of the Sun, an exquisite poem-prayer bursting with sacred feminine theology. He was the coolest, I wish I could have met him and learned how he gave everything for his faith. What a guy. What a great way to imagine the Trinity!

Coming Up!
- As RIT's big fundraising Roar Day approaches at the end of September, I could use some major student support with fundraising so we can keep growing PCC big and strong. Will you shout at me via email or text if you're willing to help?
- On Saturday, September 14th at 3:30 PM at the Little Theater in downtown Roch, PCC IS DOING A FRINGE SHOW! Come check out a 45 minute of a workshop version of a memoir cabaret musical about video games, queer faith, and survival. Never seen those words together? Never have we, ha. This will be an amazing day, can't wait to see you there.
That's it! Blessings for the week ahead, it's a busy one. Can't wait to meet you all, feel free to email me or text @ 714 299 8420 if you want to meet for coffee or lunch during the weeks ahead. Here we go PCC, let's get moving.
Our email address is: skinsman@ur.rochester.edu
Chaplain Sam can be reached at: 714 299 8420 in case of emergency or for counseling appointments on Tuesdays.