From: Samuel Kinsman
Date: September 17, 2024
Subject: PCC News for Tuesday, September 17th:


PCC News for Tuesday, September 17th:

What a difference a day makes! This past weekend was a big ol' party. Thank you all for your support in getting our first-ever PCC musical off the ground. It was an incredible weekend of community, art, and music. 

I spoke with a lot of RIT students after the show -- some of our friends from the Gaming Symphony Orchestra -- who felt themselves recognized by what we're doing. Nice to start. Now let's get to work building the church yet to come.

~ Chaplain Sam

Tonight! Music & Meaning

5:00 - 6:15ish
Schmitt Interfaith Center's Jones Chapel

Our first Music and Meaning of the new year, ahhhh! This program is our way to build a shared playlist around a theme. Song by song we'll make a tiny aural capsule of our community, this week? Why? Because listening to music together always changes us. On a spiritual level, in how community grows, shared music listening is a restful and reflective practice we can prioritize for our mental and spiritual health.

This week's theme is.... Theme Songs! After much discourse during last week's Taize worship, we've landed: If you were in a Hannah Monatana-style sitcom, what would the theme song be for this season? Yes, of course this is subjective! Of course it's different than it would be 5 years ago. Of course it's tough to pick just one! Give it a shot.

I'm bringing a bluetooth speaker with me as we won't have the Sun Room TV, PCC Prez Finn is gonna be sending out previous playlists in the campus groups chat to get you motivated. This is one of the most fun programs we've got, bring a music-loving friend! 

~*~* Christianity is Magic*~*~

God's imagination is huge, y'all. Do you know that smart creative people at Princeton Seminary are doing this whole new wing of Seminary called Farminary? I can't stop thinking about it.

A) it's a great portmanteau and we love those

B) the idea that folks are using spiritual and religious education to support and sustain the actual real earth around us such a balm.

C) Building a God-honoring Earth consciousness is tough for IT, engineering, and tech students, sometimes. How we stay organic and honor the body's somatic wisdom (and the Earth's inherent wisdom in its existence) is a fun needle to thread with techy big brain students. 

We've made some inroads to the teaching faculty over there, perhaps PCC can head over someday and see what faith and life look like on the farm...inary.

Coming Up:
  • Drop-in spiritual counseling hours are now a thing! As we get busier it'll be a bit more difficult to meet on the fly on Tuesdays, stop by the SRL Office (right near fireside lounge) between 2:30 and 4:30 every Tuesday to chat about whatever you want. If you find yourself waiting, just knock and let me know you're here.
    • Update: As we're seeing a lot more people than expected, we'll keep these conversations to about 30 minutes to accommodate the volume of folks to talk to! What a blessing it is to meet all sorts of new folks this year as PCC grows.
  • As RIT's big fundraising Roar Day approaches at the end of October, I could use some major student support with fundraising so we can keep growing PCC big and strong. Will you shout at me via email or text if you're willing to help?

That's it! Blessings for the week ahead, it's a busy one. Can't wait to meet you all, feel free to email me or text @ 714 299 8420 if you want to meet for coffee or lunch during the weeks ahead. Here we go PCC, let's get moving.

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Chaplain Sam can be reached at: 714 299 8420 in case of emergency or for counseling appointments on Tuesdays.
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