PCC News for Tuesday, December 5th:

Image Description: A small red chair sits on a rural porch next to a large garage. One overhead light pierces an otherwise dark winter evening. We see through the window that there is warmth and light inside; the night looms around the corner of the frame.
Here we are. Took this picture as I walked Kazuki a few nights ago, made me think of how it must have felt trying to find hospitality at an inn. The quest to find warmth and safety is real.
The first candle is lit; Advent has begun. With quieter days ahead we have some choices to make: Will we honor our limits? Will we listen the voices around and within us asking us to rest? As you each find your ways to finals let's pray for that negotiation and what it might yield.
~ Chaplain Sam
Tonight! Dinner Dialogue
Fandom and Faith y'all! We know we're deeply passionate about our hobbies, that's a given. But what about when they transcend into a new space altogether? Fandom's a big word for a lot of things including creating work around a piece of media, creating community around similar interests, and co-creating a new canon independent of an author's intent. Let's see if any of that could involve our spiritual life.
5:00 - 6:00
Schmitt Interfaith Center Sun Room
Now that we've answered questions from Chaplain Sam, here's a question for you to answer. (Text Chaplain Sam your answer or respond in the PCC Recent Posts)
What's the piece of media that reveals your heart? Is there a movie, song, or comic that makes you feel more you? Fandom is a key part of who we are, folks.
Our email address is: skinsman@ur.rochester.edu
Chaplain Sam can be reached at: 714 299 8420 in case of emergency or for counseling appointments on Tuesdays.