From: Samuel Kinsman
Date: February 27, 2024
Subject: PCC News for Tuesday, February 27th:


PCC News for Tuesday, February 27th:

Image Description: A man in a nice crisp red shirt looks shocked as he is pushed back from the force of Jesus' anger. An overturned chair and strewn money fall into the checkerboard tile as teal birds escape their wicker cages. Chaos!

Jesus got mad sometimes, too. This year we are seeing some sun earlier than expected. What does it wake up in our hearts? As you go throughout your week, find ways to let go of frustration. Maybe a bit of exercise, maybe a drumming session. With God's help we'll allow the prickly strange feelings to pass through us and go live somewhere else. One foot in front of the other, beloved PCC.

Tonight! Therapeutic DnD One-off with Jeremiah:

No character sheet required! Our dear therapist-who-works-at-CaPS buddy Jeremiah is bringing us our next DnD campaign tonight. He and I are working together on some real exciting programming around gaming, this will be a sneak peek. You're welcome whether you're a DnD fangirl or you've never played, he's got all the d20s you could ask for. 

5:00 - 6:00
Sun Room upstairs in SRL

Christianity is Weird:

My name is John Daker is one of Youtube's first real gems way back in the stone age.

Of course as with any early internet virality there was a dose of finger pointing and "Look at these freaks" early 2000s snark, but we meant well. We shared John Daker vids because his earnest heart for Jesus superceded any self-awareness or shame.  We shared John Daker vids because his eyebrows cannot be tamed.

But the proof's in the pudding. I had never sung Christ the Lord is Risen Again before I heard John Daker do it, now I fold the hymn into PCC @ UR programming all the time. May John rest in peace, here's a fab piece about what internet legends can teach us. Sing on in that heavenly choir, John.

We need your help:

Hey there, PCC. Big things are happening for us this semester! We're doing our first fundraising Lenten appeal with the office of advancement to secure PCC's future at RIT. And we need Ambassadors to help!

^ This feels like the clock from Majora's Mask. 

HERE WE ARE, FOLKS! We have 39 days to raise some goood money for PCC and its future. Will you help? 

Sign up to be an ambassador here and share the word via socials, however you want. Write a song, draw some fanart, do your duet with John Daker and go viral. (That one'll really work imho) We created and codifyed PCC @ RIT so quickly this year, now with some word of mouth and hard work in March we can solidify the future of queer faith for years to come.

I've asked a number of RIT employee colleagues to help out, please let me know if you know any other staff or faculty folks who might be interested in being an ambassador.

Many hands, light work! Thanks PCC. Let's do this.

Our email address is:

Chaplain Sam can be reached at: 714 299 8420 in case of emergency or for counseling appointments on Tuesdays.
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Check out our instagram!

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Check out our linktree for even more info about us!
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