From: InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Date: September 12, 2024
Subject: InterVarsityThis Week!

Hi First_Name,

Hello Friends! 
Hopefully you are settling into the semester schedule now that we are a few weeks in.  We have lots going on this coming week and wanted to be sure to let you know!

First Year Connections Group 

TUESDAYS at 6:30pm in the SRL (Spiritual & Religious Life Center)
We will be meeting in the InterVarsity office and we are going to continue diving into the life of Jesus together and learning what he has to teach us today.  Also, I heard there might be donuts...

Men's and Women's Connection Groups

LBR 1202 (Dane Gordon Room)
Men's Group: noon on Saturdays
Women's Group: 7:30 pm on Sundays

Come and join the conversations about living a life of faith!

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
~people changed~
~campuses renewed~
~world changers developed~

IV Weekly!

Thursdays, Wallace 3430

Each week, we gather all together as a community to connect, catch up, and learn together.  This semester, we are looking at the life of King David--a man who was both completely human and messed up, and also was fervently pursuing the God he couldn't see but sincerely believed.  Come and join us TONIGHT