From: Samuel Kinsman
Date: February 20, 2024
Subject: PCC news for Tuesday, February 20th:


PCC News for Tuesday, February 20th:

Image Description: An abstract stained glass window with many interlaced colors. A green circle at its center draws the eye, the interspersed dark black lines allow pops of color from red to purple to orange to yellow to find their way through in a prism.

Sometimes it helps to see things through a prismatic lens; a little color goes a long way this winter. Thank God the sun's helping us out, today.

This Lenten season we are going to bring things up. Tough truths, new ways to negotiate pain and harm. But here's the rub: God's with us. This week during Lent II Electric Boogaloo we'll lean all the way into God's providence and care. The spirit of love and God will never leave you, PCC. Breathe it in. (Then get back inside to get warm!)

Tonight! Music and Meaning:

What began as karaoke club is becoming more experiential, a blend of performance and chill reflection where we can feel music together and pass the aux cable. PCCers are welcome to sing, sign, or play the song for our gathered group. We learn so much about each other by sharing music and seeing how the Spirit of God can show up in our ears and heart. See you tonight?

This week inspiration is "Who are you?" What song reveals your heart and soul? Bring a classic from your childhood or a song that reveals who you're growing up to become. 

5:00 - 6:00
Sun Room upstairs in SRL

Christianity is Weird:


Have you ever heard of Chick Tracts? My neighbors growing up used to throw these small booklets with intense Biblical theology in our halloween pillow cases instead of candy. Year over year I would read them and feel grimy; I remember confronting said neighbor on the tracts' hateful rhetoric as a tween and getting nowhere. Was the first seed of unlearning some bad faith I had inherited.

It's so difficult sometimes to reconcile how progressive faith communities can share the same Bible with folks like Jack Chick, but I think that might be the way life goes. He and I both grew up in California, but our faith grew in very different directions. How we grow up does not dictate who we are as an adults, thank God.

"The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated Chick Publications as an active hate group. The group was listed due to its strong anti-Catholic, anti-Muslim, and anti-homosexual rhetoric."

Trust that God is inviting us to love our neighbor and make space for grace. Lent is a good season to let go of outdated stuff. Christianity is the weirdest. 

We need your help:

Hey there, PCC. Big things are happening for us this semester! We're doing our first fundraising Lenten appeal with the office of advancement to secure PCC's future at RIT. And we need Ambassadors to help! We're just about ready to launch our appeal, get ready.

No need to take any steps just yet, I'm bringing the world early so you can consider with low pressure. Thanks for thinking on it, let me know if you have any questions.

Our email address is:

Chaplain Sam can be reached at: 714 299 8420 in case of emergency or for counseling appointments on Tuesdays.
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