Photo House

Photo House is more than a place to live - Photo House is a community. We live together, but more importantly, we work and play together. Join us in our love for photography!


About Us

Located in Fredericka Douglass Sprague Perry Hall at RIT on the 4th floor, Photo House is a Special Interest House dedicated to creating a community of people who love photography.

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    Our Facilities

    Our facilities on floor are 24/7 access for members and cater to every type and style of photography.

    Fully Equipped Studio

    We have seamless backdrops, lights, props and supplies ready to be used!

    Print Finishing Room

    A workspace with computers equipped with Adobe apps, a Canon printer, light boxes, trimming equipment, and tables for open work.

    Study/Social Lounge

    An open space to relax, study or have some events with friends.


    Where we get to show off member and alumni work!


    A collection of photography-related reference materials.

    Closet Space

    We have closet space in our studio for storing various studio equipment!

    Yearly Events

    We host events at Mendon Ponds, and Letchworth State Park, and host an Astro-Photography night. We also participate in various RIT Campus events including Chocolate On Ice, The Brick City Weekend 5K, and more!

    E-Board 2023-2024

    Joseph Edleblute


    Luke Solby

    Vice President and P.R. Representative

    Chase Honahan

    Facilities Manager

    Evan Cote

    Social Coordinator and Treasurer

    Kristy Sorochan


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    You like photos? We like photos! Join us today!


      Photo House

      1 Lomb Memorial Dr
      Rochester, NY, 14623
      United States