RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology) | Groups


If you love creative writing, the Wordsmiths are here for you! We are RIT's creative writing education and performance club: we host lectures, workshops, performances, and events where you can learn about or share your writing. Writers of all experience levels are welcome to join us.

We host a performance/workshop event each semester with professionals in various fields. Past examples include Kim Miller (poetry), James Arthur (poetry), Neil Grayson (Fiction), and Brian Wood (Short Stories). We are working to bring acclaimed poet Chen Chen to campus in Spring 2024.

Additionally, we are hoping to have a rental library soon, once we get our locker back from RIT. Our list of books can be found here.

If you would like to join the Wordsmiths, find one of our posters around campus and join our Discord server! That's where we post information about meetings, discussions, and events.

click here to check out our merch!
