Family Meeting is Today 1/30 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm
Make sure you are registered for the event, or that you have fill out the request for excused absence form below. (If you filled out the form for another program- LSAMP or CSTEP- then you don't need to fill it out again.)
Also, I will be talking today about a fun lunch we are hosting to meet and talk with Dr. Alicia Prieto Langarica, a Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at Youngstown State University. We will chat about her life and experiences as a first-generation college student, an immigrant from Mexico, a female PhD student in STEM, and a Latina professor at a PWI. Alicia is a good friend of mine, and not only is she a very accomplished mathematician, she is super fun; anyone who comes to our lunch will have a great time! Plus, there is free lunch for those that attend! Register below so that I know how much food to order.
*Note: becuase we are serving food, this event is open only to McNair, CSTEP, and LSAMP students.