Instructor-led Academic Coaching

Click here for a printable version of the FAQs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I know if Instructor-led Academic Coaching is right for me?
Instructor-led Academic Coaching is designed for first and second year students who are transitioning from high school to college-level academics. During the first week of the semester, student are encouraged to attend an orientation session to learn about the service and to clarify questions they may have about their participation. If ILAC is not a good fit, the ASC offers a number of alternate resources that may be also be of benefit such as ASC Success Courses, Peer Academic Coaching, and Tutoring. Visit for more information.

How can a student enroll in Instructor-led Academic Coaching? Students will need to complete a two-step process.

Step 1 - Interest Survey
Please complete the enrollment interest survey in CampusGroups as soon as possible. You can indicate a preference for in-person or virtual (Zoom) 1:1 instructional meetings. After Step 1 is completed, you will receive an email that will be sent to your RIT e-mail account with directions on how to complete the second step.
Step 2 - Enrollment Survey
Complete the enrollment survey received via e-mail after step 1. After completing step 2, you will receive an automated confirmation email. If no confirmation email is received, the enrollment was not successful, please contact to inquire.

Shortly before semester begin, enrolled students will receive a "Welcome" e-mail which will include an enrollment summary, the name of the instructor and date options for an orientation meeting. Please note that both surveys will need to be submitted for enrollment to be complete. Space is limited. Interested students are encouraged to enroll as early as possible. Please check the website for enrollment dates.

How are Instructor-led Academic Coaching fees billed?
During the second week of the semester, fees will be sent to Student Financial Services and added to the student's financial account. The fee will appear on the following invoice.

What if a student changes their mind and decides not to participate in Instructor-led Academic Coaching after enrollment?
Students can notify the ASC at before the drop/add period is over, stating that a withdrawal is requested. After the drop/add period is over, NO REFUND will be issued and billing information will be sent to Student Financial Services. Please note that fees are non-refundable when a student is a NO SHOW for meetings. In the case of a withdrawal (voluntary or involuntary) from RIT, a refund may be made in accordance with the University Refund Policies.

Can a student who is on the Autism Spectrum/has ADHD/has a diagnosis for learning disabilities and/or is registered with the Disability Services Office participate in Instructor-led Academic Coaching?
Services offered by the Academic Success Center are available to all students, however, the ASC does not provide specialized programs or services for any particular student population. Instructor-led Academic Coaching is instructional in nature. Instructors do not monitor/manage students' grades or assignments. Please visit RIT's Spectrum Support Program, Disability Services Office, or Case Management to learn of additional support and resources

  • Please read the FAQs and note that Instructor-led Academic Coaching is instructional in nature and is not comparable to "ADHD/ executive functioning coaching." Instructor-led Academic Coaching is independent from the Disability Services Office and related accommodations. If you seek specific accommodations or coaching, it is recommended you reach out to Case Management to explore alternate service providers outside of RIT. If you are looking for specialized services (i.e. sleep issues, substance abuse, mental health counseling), please connect with Counseling & Psychological Services or Health Promotion.

Why is Instructor-led Academic Coaching fee-based?
Instructor-led Academic Coaching provides regular, weekly one-on-one instructional meetings (13) for the duration of one semester with an assigned ASC instructor. In comparison, Peer Academic Coaching is provided by upper-class students (Peer Mentors). Appointments range from 1-3 meetings per semester. ASC Success Courses have limited capacity but are free of charge.

Can NTID supported students enroll and participate in Instructor-led Academic Coaching?
NTID pre-baccalaureate (AS); A+B and AAS degree-seeking students are asked to first discuss their needs with their NTID Counselor/Academic Advisor to make sure they are aware of all services that are provided by NTID. RIT and NTID baccalaureate degree-seeking students, who are first and second year, can follow the normal enrollment procedure. If applicable, it is the student's responsibility to make arrangements for Access Services.

What can students participating in Instructor-led Academic Coaching expect in terms of succeeding academically?
Achieving a positive academic outcome varies from student to student and is contingent on several factors. Attending classes regularly, completing and submitting assignments on time, regularly studying course content, and using campus resources on a regular basis, are the cornerstone of achieving a positive academic outcome. Instructor-led Academic Coaching focuses on introducing students to and providing recommendations regarding study skills, academic organization, and time management. It is the student who is ultimately responsible for doing the work and following the recommendations provided. Instructors do not monitor students' academic work or grades. Participation does not guarantee that a student will complete the semester academically successful.

What can be expected in terms of information-sharing about a student enrolled in Instructor-led Academic Coaching to third parties?
ASC instructional staff associated with Instructor-led Academic Coaching, may initiate and/or respond to/from RIT faculty or staff who have an educational interest in the student's academic success. Students are encouraged to communicate directly with their parents/families about their participation in Instructor-led Academic Coaching.  Due to FERPA regulations, ASC instructional staff are not in the position to communicate with parents/families about a student's participation or lack thereof. It is a student's responsibility to complete the form voluntarily. The ASC can assist students by explaining statements/choices/ implications before signing the FERPA document.

What happens at the end of the semester?
At the end of the semester, students will receive a Semester Summary that captures topics and study skill topics that were discussed and recommended, included re-enrollment information for students who have not yet reached third-year status.

Academic Success Center

Monroe Hall, Second Floor

ASC Office Hours

Monday – Friday8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.