Date: November 11, 2020
Subject: RIT AI Week 13: Internet of Things

The Internet of Things

Hi everybody! Tonight we have Nishanth, our Secretary, presenting on the Internet of Things. As technology continues to advance, it becomes a larger and larger part of our daily lives and everything from our phones to our fridges are becoming 'smarter'. The Internet of Things is a growing network of sensors, software, automation, etc. that is created by all of these smart objects interacting and communicating with each other. Learn more about it at the presentation tonight at 7pm EST, in the Discord.

Looking for Eboard Members!

We are looking for interested members to join the eboard for next semester! There will likely be 2-3 positions available (that may change in the coming weeks) so if you are at all interested in becoming more involved in the club feel free to reach out to me in the Discord or through email (